Jul 28, 2010

Walkabout at Work

We've said it before and we'll say it again - and again - walking is great for you. For your whole self. Even your hair (Ok, we're not positive about that one but the rest of it is true)

Sometimes, getting out the door to walk more is tough. In the last blog entry, we talked about overcoming barriers to walking by discussing the value of going with a friend or family member. However, another important barrier for lots of people is - time.

But did you know that time spent walking throughout the day adds up? If you can't get out for a half hour walk, try two times during the day in 15 minute increments or 3 times in 10 minute increments. It all counts toward your health.

If your workplace is not able to contribute to your interest in walking more, there's help.

Heart&Stroke Walkabout offers support for workplace walking through - Walkabout at Work. This fun extension of the Walkabout program, provides tools and resources to help support the creation of a walking culture at work.

Contact us and we'll be happy to point you in the right direction. If you like what you hear and read, we will also be happy to deliver a free orientation workshop for your and your colleagues.

To find out more about our schedule of provincial workshops or to access the Walkabout at Work Leader Toolkit electronically, visit http://www.walkaboutns.ca/.

Enjoy your day and don't forget to get out for a stroll!

Jul 27, 2010

A Little Help from my Friends

Everyone needs a friend to lend them a hand now and then or, even better, -- an extra set of feet!

We often get together with friends over a cup of coffee, a nice cold drink, or dinner. But, walking through the park, down the street, on an indoor track, or even while running an errand can be a great way to get caught up, share a laugh, and stay healthy.

Recently, a group of Heart&Stroke Walkabout walkers from Cape Breton met up with super walker Emily Forrest on her trek along the Nova Scotia coastline.

What a great way to provide some encouragement, spend time with friends, and cheer Emily on.

Kudos to the Cape Breton Walkers!

Just a reminder that at Heart&Stroke Walkabout (walkaboutns.ca) you can monitor your progress as a group or you can do it individually. Either way, it's great to spend time walking in the company of others.

A little encouragement goes a long way! Who will you offer your feet too?

Jul 20, 2010

my version of a spa day

Well here I am, on my own for a day in Truro.What to do? No worries. this morning I hit the downtown.. a couple of vintage stores, a neat coffee shop, and then off on the trail system. If you have only a half hour or a whole day, there is trail for you.Check it out at

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Walking in the Summer Heat

The health benefits of walking are tremendous. But, it's important to factor in outdoor temperature when you are preparing to take that stroll. While heat is not something to be ignored, it doesn't have to be a barrier to your favorite form of activity. It's always important to talk with your family doctor or a health professional with questions specific to your situation.

Here are some general tips on summer walking:

- Stay hydrated. Bring water with you, drink before you head out the door, and take frequent water breaks

- Walk at a cooler time of the day - morning or evening - rather than mid-day when the temperature is at its highest

- Wear sunscreen and a hat

- Wear breathable clothing

- Take breaks now and then

- Slow the pace down when your body says so

- If it's just too hot, find an indoor facility with a track or walk through a shopping mall

The most important tip of all? Stay in tune with your body and listen to what it tells you!

Enjoy walking and enjoy the summer warmth!

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Jul 18, 2010

An inspiration

Sometimes you need an inspiration to get moving again...whether it is back to physical activity, painting, singing, or in my case blogging. I got that this weekend when I walked a while with Emily Forrest who is walking the seacoast of Nova Scotia this weekend. Did I mention it is hot in CB this weekend? Swelteringly, blisteringly, excruciatingly hot! And did I mention I hate the heat? So it is not the kind of weather I usually walk in the afternoon, but yesterdayI did just that. And enjoyed myself!(Although I was so sweaty , I am sure no one else enjoyed mine until I hit the shower!) I met up with Emily in New Victoria and we walked into New Waterford. The Summer staff of the East district has set up a shade shelter for her with fruit and water for the folks who could join us. I walked some of the way with a couple of young people from Halifax who were experiencing Coal Dust Days for the first time and who will see Emily on the Halifax commons August 8 th for her return to her home town. Then Vicki , the staff person who accompanied us , led us through the town with lots of info, then around the coastline through the #14 pit yard ( I think I have the # correct) and then on past the new windmill farm. Talk about learning about progression first hand.

After I left them in the heat to visit the dentist( Not so much fun) ,I got back to New Victoria where it felt so cool ;then I read the thermometer and it read 31 degrees. I wonder what is was on the windmill loop?

So look for your inspiration...Thanks to Emily for reminding me of the beauty in my own backyard, and for following her coastline dream...Now you go out and find yours!

To read more about Emily visit her facebook page,http://www.facebook.com/pages/FORREST-WALKABOUT/226171773121#!/pages/FORREST-WALKABOUT/226171773121?v=wall



(That's where this great picture of Emily was found!)

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