This is a look at what one of my favorite beaches is like on a normal summer day. Since Numbers 1& 3 grandchildren live nearby, we often spend a lot of time there . I usually rule the beach from my favorite camp chair and watch the world go by.Well, I just got back from another girls' road trip. Loaded Numbers 2 & 4 in the car and headed for Hubbards NS to visit Numbers 1& 3. Imagine how thrilled I was to leave the sun behind in Truro and drive into the rain ...for days! I couldn't believe it, my only trip to Queensland beach ( one of the most beautiful spots in the province)this summer and I chose the rain. But did that stop the intrepid swimmers? Not on your life. Friday am , we loaded up the old granny ( me) with a chair ( good for putting your gear on to keep it out of the sand but never for sitting on) , snacks, life jackets( great for wearing in the breakers) dry towels, sweaters, and did I mention snacks? and off to the beach we went. It is a bit of a walk so we had to get the rules down pat. Since there are no sidewalks, we had to follow the red light-green light method. If a car is coming Red Light..everyone stands off to the side of the ditch and doesn't move. Green light occurs when the car goes by. Needless to say it took a while to get to the beach. Luckily on a foggy day there weren't too many cars.
Once on the beach we were thrilled to have it pretty much to ourselves. Air temp of 19 and Water temp of 17 degrees meant we were the only ones really in the water. From my vantage point the lifeguards seemed to be wearing their snow suits but that was only because I wished I had one myself.I congratulate them on staying put on their post when the day was so dismal .Discouraging for most but not the little otters, I call grand kids. We played in the waves until one or two of us were turning blue and than called it a day. Then the whole procession proceeded back up the hill yelling red light -green light until we hit the home front. Along the way we had to have a little detour into the wild strawberry patch. I've not seen one so large with so many berries in a long time. So I still think I was in a little bit of heaven, even though it was not a sunny day. I'm still the queen of my realm and my loyal subjects still think gramma is ok.
I highly recommend finding your way to this lovely spot of NS when it is sunny and go for a long walk along the sandy shores. Its great for the kid in all of us. You can read about it and other great NS beaches at www.tenbeaches.com.
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